Update January 16,2006
On November 4th, Kalli's 3 month birthday, he went to visit Dr. Bean, his friendly and very competent Vet.

Dr. Bean looked him over, cut his sharp little toenails and gave him his first rabies shot.  This is the shot that starts the clock ticking for Hawaii's Quarantine System.

His next Rabies shot will be February 3,2006.
Click here to view Kalli's schedule

From all accounts he was a brave little man and came through it just fine.

He has been having a good time with his Grandma, getting into mischief whenever possible.

He has learned to jump into the big chair, that grandma's glasses are yummy (the earpiece is his favorite part) and that he can get away with a lot if he just looks sweet.

He had his first Visit from Uncle Craig & Auntie Deanne on Veterans Day

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Oh Boy! a new Toy!!
First you act real sweet to lure them into a false sense of security......
Then you taste them to see if you like the flovor......
Then you go in for the kill.   Poor Uncle Craig

They had a lot of fun playing and got a few pictures (some of them quite disturbing as you can see).
The weather where Kalli is now & where his family is waiting for him
Auntie Deanne tries to hold on.
This is the beginning of the 120 day wait until he can go home to Hawaii.
This vaccination must be more than 90 days after the first.  It has been 91 days.
The blood sample must be taken no less than 10 days after the last shot. It has been 11 days
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Update November 11, 2005
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Puppies have to be three months old to get their first rabies vaccination. This is Kalli's Three Month Birthday
This is the day we are waiting for.
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Update November 17, 2005
On November 17  Kalli got his first Big Boy haircut.  His groomer, Kim is very nice and makes sure that he doesn't get scared when she brings out the hair drier.

One of the best things about getting groomed is that he gets a treat from Kim.  Kalli likes his treats, so he is a good boy when he gets his hair cut.
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November 25

Kalli is having fun!    Poor Grandma!

Kalli has been living with his grandma for one month.

He has learned to get up onto just about every surface in the house now.  If he can't jump up directly he gets there by jumping on something else first.

Last week he got up on Grandma's cutting table - where she has been putting everything he is not allowed to have.  Oh my, Knitting needles, yarn and pins of all sorts.  What Fun!!!

Kalli has started to cuddle with his grandma in the evening.  He has to do this to avoid her wrath for all of the bad things he does all day.
He now weighs in at NINE pounds.  He has gained three pounds in one month!
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Update November 25, 2005
Even though there are no mosquitoes in Oregon this time of the year, we want to make sure that Kalli builds up imunity against them for when he comes to Hawaii.
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Kalli is almost Six Months Old
January 16,2006

Kalli has been getting bigger.  A LOT bigger.   According to Grandma's scales he is weighing in at an astonishing TWELVE pounds.  At this rate he may not fit on the airplane in June.   

He will get his official weigh-in at the Vet's office on February 3rd when he gets his next rabies shot.

He was a very lucky little dog at Christmas time.  He got toys, a new 12" collar to replace his too small 10" one that Mom left with him and a WHOLE BAG OF GREENIES.  Grandma Tells us he still loves his greenies.
Kalli's got a new set of choppers, having lost his baby teeth in late November.  Grandma found one of his baby teeth and is saving it for his baby book.  (Yes, in addition to his own website he has a baby book)
Hmmmm...what am I supposed to do here?
Uncle Craig isn't taking any chances.  He's keeping his fingers away from Kalli's mouth even if those sharp little baby teeth are gone.
Grandma Patty tells us that Kalli's appetite for tomatoes has not waned.  When fresh tomatoes are not available he is not above throwing back a couple of pieces of canned, diced tomatoes.  He has also taken to raw baby carrots.

He still plays with his alligator, it just isn't so much bigger than he is anymore. 

Kalli got his once-in-a-lifetime chance to play in the snow in December.   He LOVED it.  He romped around and ate it and made little doggie angels.  It
Kalli, Uncle Craig & Grandma Patty took a short road trip into Portland today.  Kalli got to meet his Aunt Shayne for the first time.  Auntie Shayne will be coming to Hawaii to look after Snowy in June so that Mommy & Daddy can go to Oregon to pick up Kalli.  He will get to play with Auntie Shayne again when he comes home to Hawaii.  Lucky Auntie Shayne!
Kalli's 6 month Birthday is February 4th. 

You can wish Kalli a "Happy Six Month Birthday" by using the button on the left to send him a special message.
See Kalli Run Movie
Wish Kalli a Happy Six Month Birthday
didn't last long, but he he had a blast while he had the chance.
A trainer is coming in once a week for a while to train Grandma Patty.  We know it can't be to tain our good little Kalli boy - He is an angel.
Kisses?  Yuck... Human girl germs.
Happy Six Month Birthday Kalli
Happy Birthday Kalli